
Killing floor 2 prestige more
Killing floor 2 prestige more

Maybe a dev will see one of these and go "I should pitch that."Įdit: Edited some typos. You can't pick it up or buy it without the proper level. Maybe even have some prestiege exclusive weapons. Or Hemoglobin ticks 1 additional time for every level.

killing floor 2 prestige more

Like a 1.x multiplier where x = your prestiege level. Weapon bonuses based on prestiege levels. Ammo Vest 30% more ammo + 1.x% where x is prestiege level. Medic's buffs can stack +1 more time for every prestiege or maybe the percent values could increase by 1% per level. Example: Rack 'Em Up goes from 5 max stacks to 6 at P1. Then, by the time you get back to 25 again, you're not used to them.) (This really bugged me when I had to reset because you get used to them. This allows the z time ability to stay unlocked even when prestieging. Also, the level 25 perk could become a level 25 or prestiege 1+ perk. TWI doesn't seem interested in more levels, so this would be the next logical direction. Make a new tier ability that requires prestiege to choose. I was spitballing ideas the other day about this with a buddy.

Killing floor 2 prestige more